Hi my lovelies!!!

Would you believe Easter is upon us?! Infact schools in London are already on their 2-week half term break. And do I hear you struggling for ideas on how to keep them engaged? Not to worry! I’ve got a number of tips and tricks to help you keep your little ones engaged and score you brownie points😃

Explore your local children’s centre

Children centres usually have tons of activities planned over the half term breaks, good thing is a lot of these activities are free! You can either google search for your closest one or use your local council website to find one.

Source: Harrow Council Website
Source: Harrow Council Website

Easter Egg Hunt

This is very easy to plan at home. Hide a number of plastic eggs in the house or garden, give them a basket or handbag to collect them and off they go scouting for eggs! Alot of retailers stock supplies for Easter egg hunt around this time of the year so it shouldn’t break the bank.

No Easter eggs? Then improvise with little plastic toys.

Easter egg hunt supplies from Asda and Iceland
Easter egg hunt supplies from Asda and Iceland

Get Crafty

You would be surprised how many items you have in the house that can keep your children entertained. Children can colour printer paper or A4 sheets, cut up into little shapes and stick together again. If you are a little clueless (like myself) then head over to a craft shop near you – Hobby Craft  and retailers like Asda have tons of crafts supplies for sale.

Asda craft supplies
Asda craft supplies

Better still, make them do the thinking and encourage them to write a story; could be about Easter or any topic they are currently interested in. Trust me this could take 15-20mins depending on the age (usually from age 5), just enough time to grab a cuppa before the usual “what do I do next mummy?”

Lami writing a diary of her day...
Lami writing a diary of her day…

They can also do some painting. Just hold off from throwing that empty cereal box in the recycle bin because it is the perfect canvas for little hands (babies and toddlers can join in the fun too!). Please note that this activity requires your full attention to avoid paint ending up on your walls 😆

Explore your city

Museums are perfect for holiday breaks like Easter because they tend to fun activities planned for the period, plus there are tons of museums with free entry in London (and family friendly too!).

Our recent visit to the RAF Museum
Our recent visit to the RAF Museum

Also visit your local park, swimming pool and play centres (or beach if you live in a hot country like Nigeria).

Disco party

So you’ve ran out of options and at your wits ends? Then throw an in-house party! YouTube has tons of playlists that you can wiggle to with your kids. Best thing is there is no age restrictions so everyone can join in!


This is for the moments you’re at your wits end and need a break from all the engaging you’ve been doing all day. Switch on an age-appropriate movie, grab some popcorn and have mini cinema date with your little ones; or use the spare time otherwise.

I know it can be a decisive topic but I believe children learn a lot using technology. Toddlers can learn their alphabets and numbers from a number of YouTube channels. Older children can benefit from tons of educational activities online such as fun with maths or other subjects (note: this activity is for age 6+).

You can also sit with your child and show them how to use a mouse, input data in a word document and just generally feeling comfortable around the desktop (or laptop). Then leave them to practise and you would be surprised how much time that would spare up.

Holiday club

Ok so you are a working parent and you forgot to book the Easter week off work? Sign them up for a holiday club – they usually range from 5-9 hours depending on the activities offered. We’ve attended various holiday clubs since my first daughter turned 4 – from gymnastics, to tennis, to all round playing. Holiday clubs are a lifesaver for working parents however they can be pricey from £15-£27 per day in many cases.

Another option is to have them stay with a childminder, only downside is majority of them take a break around Easter too. Or get a nanny if you can afford it.

I would like to hear from you! Let me know if you try any of these and how easy or tricky they were. And if you are from other parts of the world, tell me what other tips work for you… At best just go with the flow!


♥ Fabmomma ♥

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